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2023 - York Fire

Unit Information

2701 Barstow Road 
2701 Barstow Road 

Incident Contacts

  • Mojave National Preserve
    9am to 5pm

York Fire Update - 7-30-23 @7:00am

2023 - York Fire
Publication Type: News 07/30/2023

 July 30, 2023 - Update - The York Fire is at 30,000 acres and 0% contained. The abundance of dry fuels, combined with the weather conditions of high winds yesterday, created extremely challenging conditions for firefighting efforts. The dry fuel acts as a ready ignition source, and when paired with those weather conditions it resulted in long-distance fire run and high flames, leading to extreme fire behavior.

In some areas fire crews were seeing 20-foot flames. This indicated the intensity and severity of the fire in certain areas. This size flame length can create dangerous conditions for firefighters and hinder containment efforts, it’s vital fire crews exercise caution and prioritize their safety while strategizing ways to control the fire’s progression.

The focus today is on containment and suppression efforts, this is critical to limit the fire's spread. The continued use of aircraft will be for fire retardant drops, and water drops to try and assist in slowing down the fire's progression and allow the ground crews the ability to create containment lines. The fire retardant helps to reduce the fire's intensity and limit its ability to spread further.

A type 2 Incident Management Team was ordered and will be in briefing later this afternoon. There are more resources arriving to assist with these firefighting efforts. Dealing with wildfires is a challenging and hazardous task, but the coordinated efforts of the fire management team and the commitment of firefighters are instrumental in mitigating the impact of the fire.

As always, it's important to stay updated on official information and follow safety instructions given by local authorities. If you're in the vicinity of the fire, please take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.